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Fast and uncomplicated delivery of your
customized polymode.

Using your existing data, we create polymode exactly according to your wishes, customized and matching your corporate design. You can choose from various options for data delivery - depending on the data you have available. Whether 3D or CAD data, photos or Lidar scans, we transform your product into the ultimate interactive experience.

Do you have questions about data delivery?

3D data

Data delivery at its best. If you already have 3D objects of your product, our team can present an ultimately realistic result with little optimization effort. To do this, we carry out the following work: We clean up the objects and reduce them to the minimum needed on the web. We create the materials/surface of the object and ensure optimal exposure of the scene. And, of course, we make the whole thing web-ready.

Produkte in 3D auf der Website darstellen mit dem polymode 3D Product Viewer - polymode, Vorarlberg

File formats

.blend // .fbx // .obj // .gltf //
.glb oder .stl

Polygon limit

The fewer polygons, the better polymode performs (max. 60,000 polygons per object, max. 500,000 polygons per scene).

Mesh Cleanup

Delete doubled vertices, reduce polygons and remove invisible ones.

So that we can create polymode customized to your product, please note the following tips for your 3D data:

➤ Name materials logically
➤ Remove objects that are not relevant
➤ Supply optionally used textures as images
➤ Tidy up the object hierarchy

Produkte in 3D auf der Website darstellen mit dem polymode 3D Product Viewer - polymode, Vorarlberg

CAD data

If you provide us with CAD data of your product, we use a 3D program to trace the object in 3D. Our team then takes care of the optimization: objects are cleaned up in order to reduce them to the minimum required for the web. We create the material and surface based on the high-resolution photos you provide. And we optimize the exposure of the scene with shadows and optimal lighting. So that polymode looks good in the end, performs well and is web-ready.

File formats


Other file formats on request.


Name the required materials logically and include high-resolution photos and additional information.    


After reviewing the data, we will make you an offer for the conversion, depending on the estimated optimization effort.

Photos (for photogrammetry)

In photogrammetry, data is captured using a digital camera. From the individual images supplied by you, we create a rough 3D object, which we then optimize. We clean up the object, manually correct the materials and remove any unevenness. The better the camera and the resolution used to capture the data, the better polymode will be in the end. If you have no photography skills, it is best to trust a photographer to create the photos.

Produkte in 3D auf der Website darstellen mit dem polymode 3D Product Viewer - polymode, Vorarlberg

The more, the better

Provide 40-50 photos of your product from different positions that overlap slightly to achieve an optimal end result.

Surface finish

The object should have a matt surface. 3D scan or dry shampoo spray helps with reflective surfaces.

Background of the photos

The background must have sufficient color contrast against the object. Ideal: chroma keying background.

So that we can create polymode tailored to your product, please note the following tips when taking photos:

➤  Leave enough space around the object.
➤ Take the photos in a uniformly and neutrally lit room.
➤ Take 360 degree shots of your product.
➤ Do not move the object during the entire photography process.
➤ Focus on the object for each image & use a shallow depth of field.

Tipp: Tip: Use a tripod to avoid blurred shots.

No mobile phone photos. The better the camera and resolution, the better the end result.


Produkte in 3D auf der Website darstellen mit dem polymode 3D Product Viewer - polymode, Vorarlberg

Lidar scan

Lidar scans are cameras that create a point cloud. We use this point cloud to create a 3D object, which we reduce according to customer requirements and make optical corrections if necessary. The better the technology, the better the end result. This technology is ideal for measuring an area, house or rooms - preferably by a third-party company.

File formats

.e57 // .ply // .las // .laz // .ptx // .pts // .pts.gz // .pcd

Professional scans

Complex products, company premises with machines and positions for calculations must be accurate to the millimeter. We will be happy to recommend a partner company that can carry out the scan for you.

Smartphone scan

Small products, handmade items and products without technical data can also be scanned and digitized using a smartphone, tablet or handheld scanner.

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