Use Case: Ripalgo Retention

Understanding Rainwater
Harvesting and Retention easily

How does water flow onto the roof and where does it go without overwhelming the sewage system? Explained simply with Polymode Process.

The Situation

Riplago AG from Rüthi, Switzerland, is your go-to for high-quality plastic tanks in Switzerland, covering areas such as drinking water, rainwater harvesting, and retention. Common questions often arise about how rainwater harvesting works or the purpose of retention, especially when mandated by local authorities. That's where we come in, offering a user-friendly interactive explanation using Polymode.

Our Approach

Together with Riplago AG, we collaborated to outline the functionality and use of the tanks. We also developed concepts for a realistic example environment where all the tank’s features could be effectively demonstrated. With a well-thought-out plan, our developers and 3D artists created a stylized virtual representation of a rainwater harvesting system.

The Result

The outcome is a visually engaging environment that guides users through the operational steps of the system, helping them gain a comprehensive understanding of its functionality. The user interface was designed with simplicity and clarity in mind, ensuring easy navigation for both older and less tech-savvy users.

The Technology Behind It

Showcasing Products in 3D
Polymode Process enables the straightforward and clear explanation of complex retention system technology, aiding in the decision-making process. Interested parties can explore all parts of the system in detail and view the process step by step, both on desktop and mobile devices.

Das sind die Funktionen

Camera Movement

The automated camera movement ensures that each part of the explanation is perfectly highlighted. However, the camera remains freely movable, allowing users to closely examine details.

Texts, Images,
and Links

Information boxes can be equipped with both texts and images, facilitating the clear explanation of processes. Additionally, content can be linked to redirect users to other related information or pages.


Individual markers highlight points of interest and provide direct information about the marked area or process. Additionally, specific processes can be controlled and initiated directly through these markers.

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