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Use Case: Vinomnacenter

Discover Shopping Worlds
n the Heart of Rankweil

Looking for a bakery, shoe store, or the nearest restaurant? With the Vinomnacenter's Area Module, your shopping experience is seamless and effortless.

The Situation

The Vinomnacenter in Rankweil is ideal for leisurely shopping afternoons or a delicious lunch break. To help visitors easily locate stores and get a quick overview of the shopping center, we devised an interactive map.

Our Solution

The goal was to create a simple yet highly efficient 3D view that meets the primary requirement: displaying individual stores on each floor. Using the floor plans as the foundation, the walls were quickly constructed in 3D, with stores accurately marked and linked. Surrounding buildings and decorative elements were added to complete the scene, providing a comprehensive overview of the shopping center.

The Result

The outcome is a 3D application that invites exploration and enhances the website through interactive features. This compact yet effective 3D viewer not only guides users intuitively but also adds value to the homepage. Future updates could potentially include features like search functionality, opening hours, and more.

Realized with Polymode Area

The Area Framework is perfectly suited for mapping out areas, plazas, villages, buildings, and any spaces where people need to search and discover. It’s highly adaptable and fully compatible with all major browsers and devices. Impressed?

These are the Features


All visible objects can be linked, whether through pop-ups or direct links. In this case, the areas of the stores lead to their respective pages.

Floor Overview

Buttons allow users to hide floors above or below, with nested floor visibility options available.

Highly Optimized

Textures and models are meticulously optimized to ensure minimal loading times.

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